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JSTOR - Images: Organizing content in your Workspace

A guide to finding images, working with them, and using them to present.

All your content arranged for easy access

All your content arranged for easy access

When you save anything to JSTOR, including your Artstor Image Groups, they will be placed in your Workspace. This is a free space in which to keep, organize, and share content you find on JSTOR.

You can choose to view folders and items in your Workspace in List View, where the content is shown in a list of folders and items, or in Gallery View, where folders and items are presented in a grid format. 

Tip: Gallery view shows a thumbnail preview of your Workspace content.

See: Workspace: Viewing and Organizing your Research – JSTOR Support

Arranging items in a Workspace folder

Arranging items in a Workspace folder

Within your Workspace folder, in both Gallery and List view, you have the option to move individual items into the best order to meet your needs.

Use the Sort button at the top of the page to choose from several sorting options. Or, begin by hovering over the four directional arrow at the top corner of any item in Gallery view to drag and drop the item where you need it.

Item selected to move


When you share or download your folder, the last order you chose will be the order of the items in the folder you have shared.

See: Workspace: Custom order - JSTOR Support 

Video tutorial: Working with folders and subfolders

Working with folders and subfolders

With folders and subfolders you can keep all your work for one project together and easily share several folders with others with just one link.

To create that parent folder, choose the Create Folder button near the top of the page. A pop-up box will appear where you can enter a folder name. To add to that folder, check the checkbox of any other folders and click on the move button. 

Searching your JSTOR Workspace

Searching your JSTOR Workspace

To search for items and folders in your Workspace, enter your search term(s) in the Search Workspace search bar and press the Enter/Return key or click the magnifying glass icon.

To move your selected items into another folder, select the Move button that appears at the top of your Workspace and choose an existing folder or create a new one.

See Workspace: Viewing and Organizing Your Research for more.

Duplicate folders within your JSTOR Workspace

Duplicating folders within your JSTOR Workspace

You can save time creating content in your Workspace, by duplicating folders you have made to repurpose for another class or duplicate a folder to edit to create exam material. 

You can duplicate the folder from the main Workspace or while working within the folder. After duplicating your folder you can move it into a separate folder or subfolder. Once you have your copied folder, you can add or delete any content within it to customize it for teaching a different class, testing, or sharing with others. 

When you duplicate a folder, you can rename that copy. By default, the new title will be “Copy of…”. 


Tip: Renaming that folder at a later time is easy using the dropdown menu (three vertical dots) after the folder name, either when you have the folder open, or are working with several folders at once.


SeeDuplicate folders - JSTOR Support

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