Hello and Welcome!
We’re happy to work with your class and teach students both basic and advanced information literacy skills including:
critically thinking about information | finding and evaluating sources
using and citing sources | avoiding plagiarism
Please review the offerings below under "Potential Instruction Sessions." The categories, Getting Started, Searching and Discovery, All About Sources, and Information Ethics are designed to build upon one another. Offerings can be combined and customized to meet assignment learning outcomes. Please be mindful of the amount of time it takes to cover each topic and be aware that multiple sessions may be necessary to cover the desired content.
Instruction requests need to be made at least two weeks in advance of your preferred date in order to provide the librarian time to prepare the instruction session. Thank you!
Every session will include an introduction and conclusion. At the beginning of each session, there will be an introduction to the librarian, the library, and the objectives for the session. At the end of each session, the librarian will summarize the content covered, review worksheets (if applicable), take questions, and outline how to contact the library with further questions.
Students will receive a tour of the library website or physical space and a summary of library resources and services. Students will also learn basic search skills and the difference between popular publications and scholarly resources.
Students will learn about best practices for selecting and refining a research topic, including background reading, identifying keywords and broadening or narrowing a topic with the help of concept mapping. Students will also learn how to develop a search strategy. Searching will take place in the library's Quick Search feature (EBSCO) unless an alternative is requested.
Students will test their skills in developing search strategies and finding articles using the library's Quick Search feature. Then, students will learn about subject-specific databases, understanding the best use for each. Searching activities and recommended databases are tailored to specific projects and subject areas. Students learn the technical aspects of database searching: locating articles or media, finding related articles, printing, emailing, and saving, and using citation tools within databases.
Students will learn how to find and access/borrow physical and electronic books in the CIA Library, OhioLINK, and SearchOhio collections.
Students will learn how to find images using the ArtStor, Ask Art, and Image Quest databases. There will be a discussion about copyright and fair use.
Students will be able to assess resources for authority, accuracy, reliability, relevance, coverage, and timeliness, as well as identify possible biases within information sources. Students will also learn about Google alternatives.
Through exercises and discussion, students will understand the value of academic integrity and recognize the implications of plagiarism. Different ways to avoid plagiarism will be outlined.
Students will learn the basics of in-text citation and referencing in their discipline’s designated style. Citation workshops work very well when combined with sessions on plagiarism.
Lightning Rounds are short 5-7 minute explanations or discussions about a library service or resource that might be useful to your students. Invite a librarian to your class anytime and multiple times a semester for quick lightning round talks that will be useful to their current assignment.
If you are looking for extra credit options for your students, the library has an introductory online module and quiz on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please get in touch with us if you would like to incorporate this quiz into your course, as student responses can be collected and made available to you.
After a one-shot library instruction session, we anticipate that:
We design instruction and develop learning materials in support of information literacy concepts as defined by ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.