Library Updates & News

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profile-icon Laura M. Ponikvar


As a member of the OhioLINK academic library consortium, CIA's Jessica R. Gund Memorial Library will be upgrading its library system to Ex Libris Alma/Primo VE in the summer of 2025. Alma is a state-of-the-art library systems software, and the most-used library system in U.S. academic libraries. More than 65% of Association of Research Libraries use Alma, including Harvard, Yale, Duke, and University of Texas. 

This cloud-based, enterprise system software is the backbone of day-to-day library operations (acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, etc.), and generates the underlying data that drives library business decisions and reporting.  Primo VE is the “discovery” interface that students, faculty, and other library patrons use to find (and access) information in the library’s collection. Its user-friendly interactions will be more intuitive and similar to today’s consumer products.  

“The library staff is excited about this migration and we are looking forward to enhancing services for faculty and students,” said Laura M. Ponikvar, Library Director. “The software has a more intuitive interface to find print and electronic library materials, and a mobile app for using the library on the go.”  

As we get closer to “go live” you will see more information about the new system and changes. Training will be available to help you through the transition.  Subscribe to this blog and watch both the library's website and CIA Weekly for more information. If you have questions, please contact the library.

The library staff is very excited about this migration and we think you’ll be pleased with this upgrade. In late 2025 and early 2026, we will be rolling out other applications as part of the same system package, including one that links the library to Canvas to manage course reading lists! 

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profile-icon Jackie Mayse

Library Book Sale 

February 3-7, 2025

Find your next great read or art inspiration at the CIA Library Book Sale!  The library will also be selling our new CIA Library tote bags. Be one of the first people to get one and show your love for the library.

Sale begins at 11am on Monday, Feb. 3rd

Starting Wednesday, Feb. 5th all items will be 50% off (excludes tote bags)

$1 fill a bag sale on Friday, Feb 7th (excludes tote bags) 

All proceeds from the sale directly benefit the library's services and resources. Thank you for supporting the library!


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profile-icon Jackie Mayse

The library is now open until 8 PM Monday to Thursday! Come visit us!


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profile-icon Jackie Mayse

Thurs, Jan 30, 11am

Are you a new student at CIA? Stop by the New Student Welcome Event tomorrow to explore the library, learn about our services, and meet your librarians. Drop-in anytime during the event, meet other new students, and eat your lunch (yes, you can eat in the library!). Snacks will be provided!  

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profile-icon Jackie Mayse

Tuesday, Jan 28, 5-7 pm

Come to the library tomorrow to play games from CIA Library's game collection, socialize with friends, meet some new people, and have some snacks!

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profile-icon Laura M. Ponikvar

Sage Skills: Business and Sage Skills: Student Success


The library is proud to offer access to two new resources from Sage. 

Now more than ever, it is essential for students to connect with resources designed to help them attain the skills they need for current and future success. Sage Skills: Student Success and Sage Business Skills offer students a self-guided journey to practice and master the in-demand skill sets of the modern workforce.  Together, the Sage Skills suite provides a flexible and engaging learning journey through themed modules that incorporate self-assessments, interactive scenarios, downloadable exercises, original videos, embedded datasets, and more. These tools combined with authoritative written material create a scholarly environment where students and faculty can independently navigate thousands of skills that will aid them in their academic and future careers. Faculty can link and embed skills and topics into Canvas, too! 

Sage Skills: Business

Sage Skills: Business enables students to develop and practice real-world skills needed to successfully transition from campus to the modern workplace. This interactive digital resource features both academic and practitioner experts in a library of flexible learning tracks and offers students a self-guided journey to gain skill sets essential for professional success. Our access includes the following modules:

  • Data Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Communication
  • Professionalism

Sage Skills: Student Success

Sage Skills: Student Success enables students to develop and practice the skills needed to thrive at college or university. This interactive digital resource features the work of a diverse set of academic experts to help undergraduates achieve academic and personal success. It builds foundational skills for undergraduate students, including critical thinking, research, writing, evaluating information, finding and using data, study and communication skills, and how to apply academic skills in the workplace. Our access includes the following modules:

  • Academic Integrity and Referencing
  • Academic Writing
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Data Literacy
  • Diversity, Bias, and Impacting Change
  • Information Literacy
  • Personal Development and Well-Being
  • Research Skills
  • Study Strategies and Assignments


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profile-icon Jackie Mayse

CIA Library will be closed today, Monday, January 20, 2025 in Observance of Martin Luther KIng Jr. Day. Find our resources online at and see you tomorrow

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profile-icon Laura M. Ponikvar

Help! I can't afford my books!



You are NOT alone!

There are a lot of CIA students who cannot afford to purchase required or recommended reading materials for their classes. The library wants to help you find the materials you need to be successful in your classes at CIA.


Here are a few things you should definitely do:

1. Check the library

  • See if the library already has a copy of your textbook. The easiest way to see if we have a copy is to use Quick Search (aka EBSCO Discovery) to look for the book. 
  • It's possible that your faculty member put the book on course reserves in the library. That means we have a copy of the book in our library that you can use for three hours at a time in the library. If your textbook is not on course reserves, let us know! We will put it on reserve so that it's available for you and your classmates. Log on to Canvas and check the library's page in Canvas for links to our course reserves. Tip: if the page is blank, then you need to log into Canvas.
  • Need help? No problem. Stop by the library, start a chat, email us or call us on the phone. We want to help you find the materials you need. Contact us!

2. Ask your professor...

  • if an older, less expensive edition is similar enough for you to use.
  • to check with the CIA Library about putting a copy on course reserves OR to ask the library to purchase a copy for course reserves
  • to check with the library director about free and/or affordable course material alternatives

3. Get creative!

  • Stop by the library, start a chat, email us or call us on the phone. We want to help you find the materials you need without spending a lot of money! Contact us!
  • Check Ohiolink to see if you can get a copy from another library. Remember to ask us for help if you don't know how to do this!
  • Look for used copies or rentals online.
  • Borrow or share with a friend.

4. Advocate for yourself and for other students!

Tell anyone and everyone about the issue. They need to know about the problem before they can help fix it. There are alternatives and we all need to work together to make learning materials more affordable!




Credit: This is a derivative of Help! I can't afford my books! ( by JMU Libraries, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). Thank you to Liz Thompson at JMU Libraries.

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profile-icon Laura M. Ponikvar

We’re starting the semester with reduced hours due to staffing changes. We'll get back to our regular hours as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding as we adjust!

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profile-icon Laura M. Ponikvar

Don't forget that the library's digital resources are available even when the library is closed. Check out Kanopy for thousands of films to watch from home. 






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