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Library Services for Faculty: Teaching & Classroom Support

The CIA Library's instruction program supports the curriculum at CIA, as well as lifelong learning. Librarians teach students how to think about information on a global scale, providing lasting skills for reasoned and ethical use of information. The librarians at CIA can help your students to navigate the wealth of information available so that they can do their best research and produce the best artwork and projects. Please contact the library to discuss research assignments, to schedule library instruction, to request specialized guides or online tutorials, or to discuss more of the ways the library can help you teach your students.

This page gives a brief overview of the teaching and classroom support that the library staff provides to faculty at CIA. We look forward to working with you to ensure that your students are doing the best work they can.

ACRL Framework

We design instruction and develop learning materials in support of information literacy concepts as defined by ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.

Embed Library Resources in myCIA

The library can create a specialized guide, a library instructional module, or tutorial for your class. These can be embedded in myCIA, along with links to image groups, videos, specific journals, or any library resource that supports your class. In addition, you can add a librarian to your myCIA course. They can answer research/library questions, create online resources, and collaborate with you to find the best resources for your students. Embed a librarian into your course at any time. Please reach out to us if this is a service you think would be helpful. 

Affordable Learning

The librarians can help you find ebooks in our collection, OER resources, or other course materials to help make learning more affordable for students. Ohio has several affordable learning initiatives. Click the image to explore some resources to make textbooks more affordable for our students.

Affordable Learning Ohio

Additionally, the library will put a copy of your required texts on reserve in the library. Please let us know what items you're using for classes as soon as possible. For detailed course reserves policy, click here or click the "Course Reserves" tab at the top of the page.

How we can help

Face to face
1) Drop-in
Send your students (or bring yourself) to the library's front desk for on-the-spot assistance. Find our hours here.
2) In-class instruction
Please contact Jackie Mayse, Student Success Librarian, to schedule an in-class instruction session.
Online Services

1) Virtual instruction

Please contact Jackie Mayse, Student Success Librarian, to schedule a virtual instruction session.

2) Request a customized tutorial or research guide
If your students have a specific research need that you feel would benefit from an online tutorial or a dedicated Research Guide, please contact Jackie Mayse.
3) Handouts
Handouts are created as needed and as requested. If you would like a handout created on a certain topic, please contact Jackie Mayse; handouts can be made available in print or online.
4) Research consultations
Available for students and faculty. Visit to connect virtually with a librarian.
5) Subject guides
Subject guides pull together the best resources by field of study, pointing students in the right direction for their research. Visit for a complete list of guides.

Films on Demand

The library provides access to Academic Films on Demand for classroom use. These videos can be embedded in myCIA or shown in class. 

Designing Research Assignments

Effective research assignments help your students succeed in choosing appropriate topics, thinking critically about information, responsibly using information and intellectual property. All research assignments have an impact on the collections and services of the library. Please consider partnering with librarians to:

  • Think through an assignment from a research skills perspective
  • Verify that the library has sufficient resources to support the assignment
  • Schedule instruction for your students so that they can be successful on the assignment 

The librarians can do instruction in the library, your classroom, or a computer lab. Online tutorials, subject guides and one-on-one instruction are some of the other options we provide.

Referring Students to Us

Please encourage students who need help with research assignments to make an appointment with one of the librarians. We can help students choose or narrow their topic, find the the best sources of information, learn to read a research article, find statistical data, and to integrate their findings into their projects. If your students are doing small group work, remind them they can reserve our study rooms to work together! Refer students to our self-serve scheduling page at
