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Visiting the Jessica R. Gund Memorial Library

The Jessica R. Gund Memorial Library's primary mission is to serve current students and employees at the Cleveland Institute of Art, as well as visitors from our partner libraries at Case Western Reserve University, the Cleveland Institute of Music, and the Rock Hall Library & Archives. Additionally, we welcome current students and employees from any OhioLINK member institutions.

The public, visiting scholars, and art and design professionals are welcome to use the collections for art and design research on weekdays during regular business hours (9:00am to 5:00pm). Visitors who wish to use the library during nights or weekends should email in advance. Access to special collections and the college's archives for non-CIA researchers is by appointment only and limited to weekdays between 9:00am and 5:00pm when librarians are available. Anyone 16 years of age or younger must be accompanied by an adult while in the library. 

Library computers are reserved for CIA faculty, staff, and students; visitors must ask at the desk for guest login access. Visitor use of the computers is strictly limited to library research activities. Printing is restricted to CIA and partner library patrons.

Visitors to the library are expected to respect the space, follow all policies, maintain a quiet academic environment, and treat staff, resources, and other visitors with courtesy. Visitors should work in the front of the library. Library and security employees reserve the right to ask individuals to leave if these expectations are not met.


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