The CIA Library provides access to thousands of ebooks related to teaching and learning in higher education. In addition to providing links to some titles, this page also highlights some of the more useful subjects you may be interested in. This list of subjects is far from comprehensive, so please be sure to look for others that may be more relevant to your particular need. These links will search for print books, ebooks, and articles. Choose the ebook limiter on the left side to limit results to ebooks.
If you are looking for a specific title that we do not own, please complete the library resource request form and/or borrow the print version of the book from OhioLINK or SearchOhio. Need help? Click on the "Ask Us" tab to the right or see the "Contact the CIA Library" box at the bottom of the page.
Jessica R. Gund Memorial Library provides access to thousands of ebooks. Below is a list of the collections we subscribe to. Most of the items in these collections will show up in a search of the Discovery Service or library catalog.
This screen should look similar to the Microsoft Outlook email log-in screen. Use your CIA email address and password to sign in. Multi-factor authentication may also be required.