Why should I care about plagiarism?
Academic integrity is necessary to the education process and crucial in developing your own sense of creative expression. Without honesty, your academic and studio endeavors are undermined. If you repeatedly “borrow” thoughts and ideas from others, you could harm your own creative process.
Think about it like this—by not plagiarizing, you are preserving and protecting your creative self and your sense of originality.
On a more practical level, students found guilty of plagiarism may be subject to the disciplinary actions outlined in the CIA student handbook.
Give credit where credit is due. You need to give credit for anything that doesn’t originate from within you. You want to give credit to others; citing sources lends credibility to your paper and demonstrates that you have done research on the topic.
TAKE REALLY GOOD NOTES! Make it a habit to always write down where an idea came from. You will need this information to do the citations correctly.
If you read it in a book, make a note of the author, title, and page number.
If you heard someone say it, write down who said it and the date.
If you make photocopies, jot down the source on the back.
If you saw it on a website, note the URL and the date you visited the site.
Citation—a reference to a source of information. The citation should include all the information needed to locate the source; title, author, publication date, etc.
Quotation—using someone else’s words exactly. The passage should be placed in quotation marks and cited according to the style guidelines.
Paraphrase—using someone else’s idea, but putting it into your own words. Paraphrasing still requires a citation.
Works Cited or Bibliography—list of citations for all sources referenced within the paper.