Check specific course pages above first for digital course materials before using this page.
"eResources by Course Subject" are compiled from course syllabi review. If you're looking for an item that's unavailable digitally, check the catalog for a print copy. If neither print or digital copies are available, speak to your instructor or contact the library about acquiring a library copy. We're happy to help!
Click on Course Subject to jump to the relevant resource links:
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
The Interaction of Color Complete Digital Edition website is packed with elegant and innovative features that help you understand the book’s fundamental concepts, study the plates, and experiment with their own designs. You MUST use your CIA email address to create an account.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
eResources below are for courses with the following subject codes:
AC- Contemporary Art AH- Art History HC – Humanities & Cultural Studies NS – Natural Science SS- Social Science QR- Quantitative Reasoning WR – Writing Intensive |
Combination Codes: ACHC- Contemporary Art OR Humanities & Cultural Studies |
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for specific chapter readings.
Consult your syllabus or other course info for more info.