Library Updates & News

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profile-icon Jackie Mayse
We wish you a safe and happy Fall Break. The library is open during break! If you are off campus, access our resources at


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profile-icon Dana Bjorklund

Want to get better at talking color while having a great time? Hues and Cues is a game for 3-10 players that challenges your ability to make connections to colors with words. Using only one and two-word cues, try to get your friends to guess a specific color from the 480 on the game board. Hues and Cues won the 2020 Dice Tower's Party Game of the Year. Check it out at the library!




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profile-icon Laura M. Ponikvar
No Subjects

New month, new books

Did you know you can get a list of all the new books we've added to the library each month? Our New Books LibGuide is updated monthly with a full list of all the books we've added during the previous month. Find your next inspiration.



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