Check out our updated Voting Information Guide!
The library has a tradition of participating in National Voter Registration Day activities, including registering students to vote. But did you know that in the November 2023 election, less than half of registered voters in Ohio actually voted? This year, we want to do more than just register voters. We want to help you make your voting plan! We have a printable worksheet to help make your voting plan and we will help you make your plan.

Why should you vote?
Voting is crucial for artists, designers, and students as it ensures your voice is heard and helps to shape the future policies that directly impact your education, your career, your overall quality of life, as well as the lives of your family, friends, colleagues, and community. The Jessica R. Gund Memorial Library is committed to ensuring that everyone at CIA who is eligible to vote is not only registered to vote, but also makes voting a habit for life!
Come to the library before November 5, 2024 for assistance with registering to vote, checking voter registrations, requesting absentee ballots, answering questions about voting, envelopes and postage for election related mail addressed to students' boards of elections.
Our Voting Information Guide has been updated for the November General Election and has a ton of new information. Voting is easy, but if you haven't voted before, you may be nervous or unsure of how it works. The guide aims to answer as many questions as possible, while also linking you to all the information you need to be a voter this November.
Please come by the library to register to vote, get help requesting absentee ballots, completing a voting plan that works for YOU and SO MUCH MORE. We have pre-printed absentee ballot applications, envelopes, stamps (for election related mail), and people who know how to answer your voting questions.
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